Adult Workshops/Seminars


Sound Environment and using music in the classroom.

Find out how your environment is impacted by sound in both negative and positive ways. How can music change the classroom and assist a child’s neurodevelopment. Learn how to incorporate music into your classroom curriculum. This presentation is suitable for Pre-school and Kindergarten teachers.

Jack harp and bells.png

Music and Autism Unlock the magic of music.

How can music help to navigate through the Autistic child’s world. This presentation will talk about some of the challenges and joys of parenting and educating an autistic child. We will examine how music can be enriching!


Harp Therapy/Custom Session

Sharon is always excited to present facts and experiences on the Harp Therapy program.


Choose an area or combination of areas and Sharon will customise your presentation.

Areas of expertise:

Music and early childhood education.

Autsim and music.

Special education and music.

Harp Therapy.
